Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Why not hinsa? and why ahinsa?

There are two kind of hinsa:
1. which is done out of anger, deliberately
2. which is done out of lazyness, like drinking water which has living beings. The emotions are like this- "marte hain tau marne do(If they die, let them die)"

The result of above hinsa would be as follows. Lets apply karma thoery ( jaisi karni waisi bharni - as you sow so shall you reap)
1. I will be killed by someone deliberately
2. I will be killed with lazyness and not much effort.

Conclusion: Hence both kind of hinsa we should get rid of.

Now lets consider ahinsa-
Here one wants to protect other and do not want to make anybody suffer. He will accumulate such karma that he will not be troubled by others in future, and therefore he would have favorable circumstances to put efforts for Moksha.

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वास्तविक जगत और जो जगत हमें दिखाई देता है उसमें अन्तर है। जो हमें दिखता है, वो इन्द्रिय से दिखता है और इन्द्रियों की अपनी सीमितता है। और जो ...