Monday, May 14, 2007

Bad-Good karma vs Good-Good Karma

I will use the terminology : "action", "reaction". If you do an action there is a reaction. You can also consider action as a cause, and reaction as the effect.

Lets take examples first:
Case 1: Someone helped a guy with money who wants to make the world better. The reaction woould be such that he himself will get money, and he will have an inclination to do something good. And wih his good deeds, he will accumulate good Karma, which give him better results in future.

Case 2: Someone helped a guy with money who wants to make the world worse. The reaction woould be such that he himself will get money, and he will have an inclination to do something bad. And wih his bad thinking, he will accumulate bad karma, which will take him down to a bad state.

Now the theory is as follows:
When we see someone gets money and power, his previous karma can be of 2 types:
1) Good-Good karma: helping someone who is the right person to be helped.
2) Bad-good karma: helping someone who is the wrong person to be helped.

Now we are going in bad times - Hindus says kalyug, Jains say 5th kaal. In this time, people who have done Bad-good karma in pervious lifes, take birth. While in the earlier time- which hindu call treta, and jains call 4rth kaal, people who have done Good-good karma in previous lives, take birth. Therefore we see in todays world, dishonest people(in general) are more successful, while in olden days honest kings(in general) like Raama, Pandavas were at the peak. (These are general statements, and hold true in general. There are certainly exceptions.)

Since these times dishonest people get success- they become the role model in general. Therefore people are forgetting dharma, and getting in adharma. And similar reasons hold for- why the true dharma propounded by Jina is declining these days, and other dharma are dominating: because people with high Mithyatva(wrong belief) come in the 5th kaal, and hence other religions propagate.


Pragya said...

you are right here ..people who don't deserve success are getting success ..Its very difficult to think what to do or what not to do ? Do a person need to change according to yug to get success? Most of our parental teaching and guidance seem to be wrong in this age ? Are they really wrong on what they taught us? Good post but who knows who had done what in their purva janam and even if anyone has done wrong then he will never get a chance to improve as no one is there to tell what wrong they had done in their purva janam ..So this cycle will continue as it is ..

Shrish Jain said...

Thanks for your comments. Actually I had this question - why bad people succeed all around, and then a Jain scholar referred me to the scripture RatanKaand Shravakachar, where I found the solution- which I presented in the post, in a simple language. Also I made some changes so that my Hindu friends can understand it.

Let me answer your questions one by one:
1. Do a person need to change according to yug to get success?

Actually not!! A knowledgeable person has a broad perspective and looks at multiple births, while taking a decision. Therefore doing the wrong thing is complete No No!!
An unknowledgable person only looks at his current birth and makes decisions accoridngly. So he will end up finding wrong ways, and which will result a downturn in next births. It will bring him sensual discomforts, bad form of animal/hell etc.
For example: A person is fool if he does not save money for his retirement. Same applies above, only thing is we are looking at multiple births and not just one.

2.Most of our parental teaching and guidance seem to be wrong in this age ?
Please share with me the teaching you think are wrong, so we can discuss it.

3. Good post but who knows who had done what in their purva janam and even if anyone has done wrong then he will never get a chance to improve as no one is there to tell what wrong they had done in their purva janam ..So this cycle will continue as it is ..

Well, definitlely there is a chance to improve. Poeple who make efforts can do it. Shri Mahavir Swami Ji was someone who spread wrong knowledge around in one of his previous births, and then reformed himself to get rid of all attachments and atained infinite knowledge and bliss at the end.

And there are not many persons who are interested in religion, and following the truth, these days. And if you have an inclination, then these are good sanskaar from your previous birth.

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