Saturday, March 7, 2009

Desire to be better than others

We have this hidden desire to make ourselves feel better than others. This desire comes from the 'Maan and lobh Kashaya- emotions of pride and greed'.

This desire manifests itself in various ways :
  • We like to listen or talk bad about poeple around. Because internally it makes us feel good because it satisfies our desire to be better than others. This behaviour is against the 'Upguhan' guna of Samyakdrishti.
  • We get fond of praise from others. Since we want to feel better- praise is something we really like. And we do so many things to get the praise from others to make ourself feel better.

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मैं किसी को छूता ही नहीं

वास्तविक जगत और जो जगत हमें दिखाई देता है उसमें अन्तर है। जो हमें दिखता है, वो इन्द्रिय से दिखता है और इन्द्रियों की अपनी सीमितता है। और जो ...