Monday, March 2, 2009

Problems which money can't solve

We pile up money. So much that we think we are secure. But unfortunately even from worldly point of views, the money does not solve so many problems for us. It just solves us the problem of basic necessaties and satisfying sensory pleasures. It can not help solving my bad relations with my friends or siblings. One can not choose his kid with the help of money. One can not bring satisfaction, perservance and other good qualities with the help of money. Then why the heck one spends so much effort in piling the money which is not needed.


seema said...

Money it is only a 1 of the mean of survival , but always man had given it more importance . money is 4 us but we become 4 money .As it increases the needs and thirst 4 it increases just like the thirst after drinking sea water . till the person understand this thing it is to late for him .

priti said...

when man feels helpless, he piles up money in the false perception of power,security and happiness.He continues doing so in a wrong expectation that he would get love,respect and peace of mind later with heaps of money.But at the end he understands that even loads of money can not buy him all these not even an another single minute to rethink about regain anything.

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