Monday, February 1, 2016

Are we drawing lines in water?

Insightful story:
A baby is born - he studies and gets the job and works hard for the rest of his life sincerely. He get married and have kids. He loves his wife and kids and takes care of them with utmost sincerity.
Now he is on his death bed and can leave anytime. He asks the Mother Nature - "I am going to die soon. I have worked with honesty and sincerity my whole life. I love my children and I nurtured them with my best efforts. Now I am going to leave. Is this not your injustice that you do not allow me to take my wealth, wife and children along with me in my next birth?"
The Mother Nature replies - "If you draw lines in water to make a beautiful picture, you will fail. This is not the nature of water to hold your drawings. Similarly the transient nature of life does not let any associations’ lasts forever in the cycle of birth and death. Your desire to let them be permanent is because of your ignorance."
Therefore we need to think - Are we drawing lines in water?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very Insightful, thank you for sharing.

सुख के लिये क्या क्या करता है।

संसारी जीव:  सोचता है विषयो से सुख मिलेगा, तो उसके लिये धन कमाता है। विषयो को भोगता है। मगर मरण के साथ सब अलग हो जाता है। और पाप का बन्ध ओर ...