With every stress, worry- there is an expectation or attachment behind- which when does not get fulfilled, it results in stress, worry.
Wrong path: Directly trying to get rid of stress and worry. It does not work.
Right path: Identify the attachment or expectation which was hurt, and caused the anger, worry. Then try to win the attachment.
Details of the right path:
In order to get rid of worry, anger, one needs to get rid of expectation or attachment first. Getting rid of worry does not work directly.
In order to get rid of expectation or attachment, one needs to realize that he is complete in himself as a spirit. If one considers himself as a body he would not be able to realize that he is complete in himself. As an alternative, he should realize he is better off without the thing/condition he has attachment towards.
In order to realize himself as complete, he needs to realize the true nature of spirit. Also that he does not need any worldly thing to reach his true potential. And hence there is no expectation needed from any worldly thing.
Steps: So here are the steps in straightforward manner:
- First I realize that I am a spirit, who is complete in itself. And I do not need anybody else. I do not need anybody now, neither in future. Also I never needed in the past.
- Second, the above step will remove all attachments and expectations from all worldly things including body, family, car etc, including the attachments which are causing me stress.
- Thirdly, it will remove all the stress and worry produced by above things.