Monday, February 9, 2009

Their world is small

There seems like a rough scale associated with living beings. The scale consists of their number of senses, knowledge, time and emotions. This scale is rough because there are many exceptions to it.

As living being has a less senses, he has less knowledge, less age and specific emotions do not last longer. Their world is smaller.

For example -

1. An Ant in the kitchen has a small body and less understanding of the world around. For him the world would be where it stays and how does the food smell. Sense of hearing, and the landscape of whole house is also not known to him.
2. For a more advanced living being like a fly, the world is little bigger. He can move around and know more. His age is more, and the world gets a little bigger.
3. For a more advanced living being like a child, the world is little bigger - he has more knowledge. And for an elder human, the knoweldge is even more and has more understanding of the world and that gives them ability to have longer lasting emotions.
4. For a dev, it would be even more- as his age and knowledge is more. However the 'Dwesh emotions' are less in them, because they are in 'comfortable zone'.

1 comment:

seema said...

u r right from one point of view according to their physical abilities , but if we think about their bhavjagat i.e.the emotionalworld it may be opposite they may be more attached to the worldly aspects and the soul has the same capacity . the raga dwesh though depend fully on conditions available but then also favourable conditions don't help in reducing them .

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