Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Story on satisfaction

There was a young dog, named Tom. Once Tom was very hungry, not able to enjoy anything and just frustrated with hunger and tireness. Suddenly he found a piece of bone and grab that. He started chewing it. Bone was sharp so his inner mouth get hurt and it start little bleeding inside mouth. He love the taste of blood. He concluded its a bone that has all blood in it. He start chewing more and more and he keep getting more and more blood. He was enjoying it.

Suddenly one wise dog, name Sam, passed by. Sam looked at Tom and start laughing on him. He told Tom "you are fool, the blood you think you are getting from bone is actually your own blood and bone is infact hurting you rather than giving you anything else." Tom shouted on him "You are foold and jealous coz I have bone. When I didn't have bone, there was no blood. So it is obvious that it is coming from bone." Sam just left him alone and went on his way lauging on Tom's ignorance.

Now thats what happiness is all about. Its our own blood. We feel it is coming from some bone. We are not found a way how to taste it on our own and so we are depend on some or other bones.

Don't wait for any bones, just take the responsibility to make yourself happy. Slowly, happiness will become your nature and you won't need to depend on anything. There will no requirements then to be happy, its just that your existence itself is enough. Happiness is a default, if you see the child he is happy unless someone take his toy away from him. So there is some requirement to become unhappy. We have collected so many such requirements to unhappy that we forget happiness is our basic nature.

(.. extracted from a post on orkut discussion groups)

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