Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Yoga- analysis

Yoga = aatme ke pradesho me halan chalan (physical vibrations in soul)

Here Yoga does not mean the yogasan which Ramdev teaches, but here it means the physical vibrations in soul which are instrumental in converting Karman Vargana in karma.

The question is what kind of vibrations are these: The scriptures use the following terminology for vibrations:
  1. Halan-chalan
  2. Sankoch-vistaar
  3. Paribhraman
(The analysis below is mine, and may be wrong.)

It seems sankoch-vistaar is contraction-expansion. And if we see the body we have many contraction and expansion taking place:
  1. Lungs contract and expand
  2. Heart contract and expand
  3. Intestines contract and expand
  4. Blood vessels contract and expand as blood flows through them.
  5. Bones also has vessels and has contraction and expandion
  6. etc
What contraction-expansion leads to?
Lets take an example of traditional bi-cycle tube air pump. A person attached the tube of pump to tube of cycle. And he contracts and expands the pump, and this process sucks in the air from outside and pumps it into the tube of cycle. So here contract and expansion process is instrumental in moving air atoms from outside to inside.
Similarly, our lungs takes oxygen from outside and pumps them inside the body. And in other physical processes in our body similar things happen.
With these vibrations of body parts, soul also have vibrations(expansion-contraction). And these vibrations associated karma particles with it.

If soul is doing good emotions, good karma gets associated. If soul is doing bad emotions, bad karma gets associated.

How karma stays with soul:
It seems karma does stay stationary with soul- they must be in some kind of physical motion with soul. Some kind of vibration. If karma had to stay stationary- it would always remain stationary and will never come out. However if it does not statinary- it has to do some kind of vibration, and vibration has some kind of frequency associated with it. And the frequency keeps changing over time, and when it reaches a threshold, the karma dissociated from soul, and gives results.

So it seems karma has to stay in some kind of vibrations with soul.

How many kind of Yoga are there?
According to body there are yoga. These are the kind of yoga:
  1. Karman Yoga
  2. Audarik Ypoga
  3. Mishra Yoga (Karman and Audarik Yoga)
  4. Vakriyik Yoga
  5. etc..
Karman Yoga: Yoga in soul, which happens because of karman body
Audarik Yoga: Yoga in soul, which happens because of Audarik body
Mishra Yoga(Karman and Audarik Yoga): Yoga in soul, which happens because of Audarik body and Karman Yoga

It is interesting to note that in vigrah gati, the soul only has Karman Yoga, because he only has karmic body in vigraha gati. While when a soul has Audarik body, it has audarik yoga- even though it has both karmik and audarik body. So it seems all the vibration is happening because of audarik body and not because of karmik body.

However if we see the duration before the soul gets paryapti, there is Mishra Yoga- that means the vibrations are happening because of both audarik and karmic body. Here if we note- before the soul entered the new body it was on karmik yoga, and after paryapti it was on audarik yoga- so while it is aparyapta it seems this is the transition phase where both bodies are contributing to yoga.

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