In other words, when a person realizes that there is nothing good or bad for him in the world, his attachments cease to exist from his 'belief', and also from his conduct to some extent.
Every jeev wants sukha and tries various ways to achieve it, according to his right or wrong knowledge.
Ashubha Bhaava:
When a person has narrow perspective, he can only see his gains coming from wrong ways, according to his wrong knowledge and that causes ashubha bhaav.
Shubha Bhava:
When a person has a broad perspective, and understands that there is nothing good or bad for him, then his attachments are limited to the attachments which really gives him Sukha. His attachments are:
- attachment towards complete sukha (sidha state)
- Daya for other Jeeva- because such kind of attachment purifies his heart from Hinsa bhaav. And when he thinks good for other, god things happen for him too (karma dynamics applies here)
- Namrata: He does not do for ego- For people above him, he has bhakti. And for people below him he has karuna, and wants them to uplift to high level of sukha.
- When he has bhakti bhaav for uplifted souls, it helps him proceeds towards them.
- When he has karuna for dukhi souls to uplift, it helps him proceed towards upliftment.
- When he has Maan kashaya, it takes him down to dukhi state.
- Saralta: He does not try to cheat anybody. If he cheats someone else, he gets cheated and it gives him dukha. When he is straightfoward, he does not get cheated too.
- Santosh: He does not want worldly things, because they do not give him sukha. More possessions gives dukha.
- etc
This shravak, at high stages- gets rids of above shubh bhaava, and remains in his shudha bhaav.