Friday, June 27, 2008

Udaya Vyachhati Chart



व्युच्छिन्न प्रकृतियां



मिथ्यात्व, आतप, सूक्ष्म, अपर्याप्त, साधारण



अनन्तानुबन्धी-४, एकेन्द्रिय, स्थावर, द्वीन्द्रिय, त्रीन्द्रिय, चतुरिन्द्रिय






अप्रत्याख्यान-४, वैक्रियिक शरीर-आंगोपांग, नरकायु-गति-गतुआनुपूर्वी, देवायु-गति-गतुआनुपूर्वी, मनुष्यगत्यानुपूर्वी, तिर्यंचगत्यानुपूर्वी, दुर्भग, अनादेय, अयशकीर्ति

देश विरत


प्रत्याख्यान-४, तिर्यंचायु, उद्योत, नीचगोत्र, तिर्यंचगति



आहारकशरीर-आंगोपांग, स्त्यानगृद्धी, निद्रानिद्रा, प्रचलाप्रचला



सम्यक्तव, अर्धनाराच-कीलित, सृपाटिकासंहनन



हास्य, रति, अरति, शोक, भय, जुगुप्सा



स्त्री-वेद, पुरुष-वेद, नंपुसक-वेद, संज्वलन-क्रोध-मान-माया



संज्वलन लोभ



वज्रनाराच, नाराचसंहनन



निद्रा, प्रचला, ज्ञानावर्णी-५, दर्शनावर्णी-४, अन्तराय-५



एक वेदनीय, वज्रर्षभनार्राचसंहनन, निर्माण, स्थिर, अस्थिर, शुभ-अशुभ, सुस्वर-दुस्वर, प्रशस्त-अप्रशस्त विहायोगति, औदारिक शरीर-आंगोपांग, तैजस-कार्माण शरीर, ६ संस्थान, वर्णादिक-४, अगुरुलघु, उपघात, परघात, उच्छवास, प्रत्येक



एक वेदनीय, मनुष्य गति, पंचेन्द्रिय, सुभग, त्रस, बादर, पर्याप्त, आदेय, यशस्कीर्ति, तीर्थंकर, मनुषायु, उच्चगोत्र

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sansaar is full of Dukhha

Lets divide the living beings in Sansaar in the following categories:

  1. 1-5 sensed
  2. 5 sensed hellish
  3. 5 sensed bhogbhoomi human
  4. 5 sensed karmabhoomi human
  5. 5 sensed dev

  1. 1-5 sensed (animals, plants):
    1. Food, water: Nobody has surity of food, water.
      1. Dimensions of 'Surity of Food, water etc':
        1. Whether they are sure, they will get the food.
        2. How much capabilities they have to acquire food.
        3. Do they have a way to secure the food for future.
        4. How much the food is dependent on them, and how much is on the nature in general.
      2. Analysis of Dukha in terms of Food, Dukhaa etc:
        1. 1-sensed does not even have ways to procure it. It gets what is directly avaialable to it.
        2. 2-sensed can move around and find food through his sense of taste. However it can not smell or look through the way.
        3. 3-sensed one can also move around and use his nose to smell the things in addition to taste. The smell capability helps him track a certain path, as ants do.
        4. 4-sensed one can also move around and in addition has the capability to see his path through.
        5. 5-sensed can hear, and 'Sangyi' one can think also. However there is no good way they can store the food for the future.
    2. Protection plan: Nobody has great protection plan:
      1. Dimensions of Protection Plan:
        1. Whether they can run away from cold/heat
        2. Whether they can develop ways to protect themselves from cold/heat
      2. Analysis of Protection plan:
        1. 1-sensed beings neither can run away from cold/heat nor develop protection ways from cold/heat.
        2. 2, 3-sensed can run away, but do not have clarity on where to run- so for them it is hit and trial approach.
        3. 4-sensed can run away and find a path from their eyes- but still not able to run in a way which ensure them success all the time.
        4. 5-sensed are little better than 4 -sensed.
    3. Kashaya:
      1. 1-5 sensed- they do not have what they want. 1-sensed has less capabilities and more adversities, which causes more Kashaya.
  2. 5 sensed hellish:
    1. They do not have food, no water, and everybody is killing them.
  3. 5 sensed karambhoomi human: They do arrange food and water for themselves. However their protection has following complications:
    1. They can;t save themselves against the natural disasters like earthquake, though they find home to protect themselves against cold and heat.
    2. They can;t save themselves against corruption, and malpractices in the country.
    3. They don't have what they want. A human wants ideal parents, sister, brother, wife, friends, roommates- but he has none of them ideal.
    4. They fall sick, and have to bear the pain on their own.
    5. Protection system is not good everywhere. Thirld world countries in Pancham Kaal currently has a very bad protection system.
    6. There is no protection for the ill behaviour one goes through by spouse, parents etc. If parents go through extreme behaviour, then policae may help- but in day today life, there is protection against the emotions of a human being. One has to suffer the consequences of the 'difference in opinion' with others- and hence has to make adjustments. Therefore there is no protection for his opinions.
  4. 5 sensed bhogbhoomi:
    1. Almost everything seems to be covered for what they long for. Everything is ideal there. One has ideal wife, ideal parents, ideal home, food etc. One does not have any attraction towards other woman, because his woman is too perfect to satisfiy his needs. And he has no fears and instability- everything is almost certain there. The environment, and people are around are perfect too. Kalpvriksha satisfy there needs of food, clothes and home. There are no boundaries around the home. And desires and achievements are matched.
  5. 5 sensed dev:
    1. peer pressure.
    2. Jealousy.

Hence Sansar is not the place to stay in.

सुख के लिये क्या क्या करता है।

संसारी जीव:  सोचता है विषयो से सुख मिलेगा, तो उसके लिये धन कमाता है। विषयो को भोगता है। मगर मरण के साथ सब अलग हो जाता है। और पाप का बन्ध ओर ...